Number 23 is a mathematical challenge, try to be as clever as possible !Try to merge numbers between them ! Numbers are falling from thetopof the scre
Number 23 is a mathematical challenge, try to be as clever as possible !
Try to merge numbers between them !
Numbers are falling from thetopof the screen, you need to merge them with the one at the bottom. To be merged, the falling number has to be at least twice as big as the one at the floor.
Each time you merge numbers, you earn the difference between these two numbers.
If the resulting number reaches 23, it is deleted. If it is equal to 23, you earn 100 more points.
You can choose between two kind of games :
the "thinkable" in which numbers stay at the first line until you swipe down
and the normal mode.
To move numbers, swipe left, right or down.
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